Hey, White House—can you update your Web page?

The Obama White House came out of the technological gate running in 2008, showing the often technology-challenged D.C. establishment how it's done, with everything from email blasts from the first lady to Twitter updates from the president himself.

Forget Bill Clinton and George Bush. The company the president keeps on the Internet is Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga—the most followed celebrities on Twitter. They all have around 40 million or more followers. (See the rankings on Twitaholic.)

And now, all I can say: Dear, Mr. President: Did you forget your password for WhiteHouse.gov or fail to renew your domain-name registration?

The president came out Thursday with a public apology for saying repeatedly that "If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan" with Obamacare and yet, the cancellation notices poured in like acceptance letters from Hogwarts to Harry Potter. (Remember that scene where the letters come pouring in through the chimney? Watch the clip.)

And yet, the White House website still says "If you like your plan you can keep it and you don't have to change a thing due to the health care law." (Click here to see for yourself.)

(Read more: My insurance was canceled: A message to President Obama)

Jay Leno had some very funny jokes about the technological problems surrounding Obamacare on Thursday night. As for the glitch-riddled Healthcare.gov site, Leno said: "That's who we should put in charge of the Obamacare website — The Butterball [turkey] hotline! You ever call them? They always pick up, they're friendly. ... They have all the information you need AND they're used to dealing with big turkeys!"

President Barack Obama
Getty Images
President Barack Obama

And as for the White House Web page still saying "If you like your health-care plan you can keep it," Leno said: "The White House said they're trying to change it, they just can't log on!" (Click here to watch the monologue clip.)

Now, here's the great thing about the Internet: You can get instructions on everything from how to change your windshield-wiper blades to how to make that Mentos-Pepsi combination that explodes into a spectacular geyser.

(Read more: I can keep my health-care plan? Not true!)

So, Mr. President, my advice is: If you want to keep your high-tech prez reputation—and not have Katy Perry and Lady Gaga unfollow you on Twitter—I suggest you spend some time on YouTube this weekend. There are tons of tutorials on "How to update a website"—like this one that offers:

"I'm going to show you how to update your website in less than five minutes ALL BY YOURSELF," the tutorial says. (Watch the tutorial.)

And then you can give the official presidential pardon for Thanksgiving to Healthcare.gov and WhiteHouse.gov.

— By CNBC's Cindy Perman

Cindy Perman is the commentary editor for CNBC.com, as well as the author of the Pony Blog and the book, "New York Curiosities." Follow her on Twitter @CindyPerman.